Micros 3700 Tableside Order & Pay Installation Manual
Product Requirements
Omnivore supports the following versions:
● RES4, RES5
● 4.6+
System Requirements on Server Computer
● Windows 7 Pro or higher
● 700 MB available/free memory (pre install)
● 1.5 GHz dual-core processor
● Microsoft Visual C++ 2010 Redistributable Package
You will need to confirm TCP outbound connection to our servers. The rule should be configured for outbound connections only. Updates and all tasks are pulled down from our servers.
● TCP Port 443
Security Exceptions
Please confirm if there is security software or FIM on the Server computer which can interfere with Omnivore’s installation package. If so, make sure the following executables have been added to the exception list.
● Confirm that pos_agent.exe, agent_updater.exe, bridge.exe, omnivore.exe, host.exe,
init.exe, realtime_monitor.exe, and agent.exe have been added to the exception list. The executables reside in the following directories:
● Our executables and temp files reside in the following directories
○ C:\Program Files (x86)\POS Agent
○ C:\ProgramData\POS Agent
○ C:\Program Files (x86)\Omnivore
○ C:\ProgramData\Omnivore
Security Compliance
The Omnivore application has PCI-DSS 3.2 compliant encryption from the application to the Omnivore API and from the Omnivore API to the POS. Please contact Omnivore Support
<support@omnivore.io> if you need a copy of our compliance certificate.
Database Access
The Tableside Order & Pay integration requires read only access to your ODBC database. Please make sure we have a uniform database user and password across all locations following the below in database manager:
1. Run %Micros_Dir%\MICROS\Common\Bin\DM.exe (The Micros Directory is usually the D:\drive)
2. Select Users\Passwords in the right tab
3. Check the "Create New User" optionbit, choose a User Name and Password, and copy the password in the Confirm Password field
4. Save the User Name and Password on a sticky note or scratch paper and press the Create New User button
Transaction Services Configuration
The Tableside Order & Pay integration has required entries in POS Configurator to build a successful Transaction
Services integration. Some variables (such as guest check printer or kitchen printer connection) are variable based on merchant needs. Please reach out if you have questions
Web Service Device
In POS Configurator click the Devices tab at the top
1. Click the Devices button
- If there isn’t a Devices button or you get an error when you click it, you will need a POS Configurator login with more permissions. If no employees have permission, you will need to contact the Micros provider.
2. Check existing devices to ensure none have the Device Type “PosAPI Web Service”
- If one exists, close the Devices window and move to Workstation
To Create a device if one does not exist:
3. Click the blue + button at the top to insert a new device
4. Enter a name like “POS API” on the left
5. Choose “PosAPI Web Service” as the Device Type
6. Choose the back of house computer as the Network Node
7. Click the green ✓ at the top
User Workstation
In POS Configurator click the Devices tab at the top
- Click the User Workstations button
- In the new window check each device to make sure none have the name of the Web Service Device Name from the previous step
- If one does, skip to step six and verify the configuration of the Workstation
- Click the blue + button at the top to insert a new workstation
- Click the Device Name on the left
- From the dropdown choose the Web Service Device Name from the previous step
- Select a default revenue center and default order type in the General Tab
- Select the Order Devices Tab and check all Order Devices that are listed.
- Select the Printers Tab and select the printer you’d like your guest check to print to in the Customer Receipt Printer and Guest Check Printer dropdowns (these should match).
- Click the green ✓ at the top
POS API Employee Class
1. In POS Configurator click the Employees tab at the top
2. Click the Employee Classes button
3. Click the blue + button at the top
4. Enter a name like “API Emp” on the left
5. Click the Transactions tab on the right
6. Click the Transaction Control tab below it.
7. Set POS API Employee on the right, and click Yes in the confirmation window
8. Click the green ✓ at the top
POS API Employee
1. In POS Configurator click the Employees tab at the top
2. Click the Employees button
3. Click the blue + button at the top to insert a new employee
4. Enter “POS API” on the left
a. Note the object number of the API Employee as we will need it for agent configuration below
5. For the new employee click the Security tab on the right
6. From the Employee class dropdown choose the Employee Class Name from the previous step
7. Under the POS Tab make sure to select a Revenue Center.
8. Click the green ✓ at the top
a. You may be required to fill in other fields like hire date, date of birth, etc. It doesn’t matter what you supply for these values.
b. Repeat steps 3-8 to create Tableside Order & Pay specific employee
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