For help accessing reports please see Accessing the Report Builder & Using the Options
Refining your Report
You can use the dropdown menus to refine this report.
Whole Day - This will set your set time frame parameters to whole days and there will be no need to set specific times of the day.
Custom Time Range - This setting will change the time frame parameters to include specific times.
Order Time - This setting will define your search time parameters to pull the report according to the times that the orders were made.
Both Order Time and Fulfillment Date - To select this option use the blue plus sign next to the dropdown box. You can then use the date rage boxes to create a report that includes both date ranges for each variable.
Choose Grouping - This setting allows you to break down the report By Transaction, by Half Hour, By Hour, By Day, By Week, By Month, or with No Grouping.
Reporting Columns
The Sales By Category report shows data based on the time range selected for the following:
Reporting Categories - A reporting category can be attached to each specific menu item. The Sales By Category report displays the number of items sold in a category and dollar amounts of the categories sold during the corresponding time range selected under each category that has been created.
For help creating a reporting category, please see editing a single menu item.
Items sold - Total number of items sold for the respective reporting category formulated for the ‘Time range’ selected.
Refunds - Total dollar amount of items refunded for the respective reporting category for the ‘Time range’ selected
Net sales pretax - Total dollar amount of items sold before tax for the respective reporting category for the ‘Time range’ selected
Sales tax - Total dollar amount of sale tax for items sold in the respective reporting category for the ‘Time range’ selected
Sales including tax - Total dollar amount of items sold including tax for the respective reporting category for the ‘Time range’ selected.
Active users - Total number of User IDs active (placed at least 1 order) during the ‘Time range’ selected.
Avg sales per user pretax - Average dollar amount spent by a user (defined by user ID) during the ‘Time range’ selected.
Avg tips per user - Average dollar amount of tips by a user (defined by user ID) during the ‘Time range’ selected.
Checkouts with only food - Total number of checkouts with only food items on the check during the ‘Time range’ selected.
Checkouts with only drinks - Total number of checkouts with only drink items on the check during the ‘Time range’ selected.
Checkouts with both - Total number of checkouts with food and drink items on the check during the ‘Time range’ selected.
Total items sold - The total number of menu items sold during the ‘Time range’ selected.
Net sales pretax - Total dollar amount of all sales before tax during the ‘Time range’ selected.
Sales tax - Total dollar amount of sales tax during the ‘Time range’ selected.
Total sales incl tax - Total dollar amount of all sales including tax during the ‘Time range’ selected
User Desired Time - The time that guests set as the desired delivery or pickup time.
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