Please contact if you want to enable any of the below Tableside Order & Pay Special Use Reports.
Average orders/minute: This report can be enabled (for free) on request. It shows the rate of orders versus the time of day. It's used by very high-volume customers to produce charts to optimize their menus and their fulfillment processes.
Fulfillment performance - This report can be enabled (for free) on request. It breaks down the time an order spends in each stage of preparation and delivery.
Sales By SKU - This report can be enabled (for free) on request. It's intended for customers who track inventory using internal "Stock Keeping Unit" (SKU) numbers. It is equivalent to the Sales By Item Report, but each row is a single SKU. Menu items with the same SKU will be combined into 1 row. For example, Bud Light and Happy Hour Bud Light might be different menu items but can be given the same SKU.
Vendor Transactions - This report is used for food halls with multiple vendors. It shows the Transaction Detail Report report, for orders across all vendors.
Vendor Sales by Zone: This report is used for food halls with multiple vendors. It shows the 'Sales By Location' report, for orders across all vendors.
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