In Account Settings, you can change your contact information, adjust your tax rates, and create order limitations, along with multiple other settings. After logging into the Tableside Order & Pay Owner Panel, click on 'Account Settings' under the 'Restaurant Setup' Heading.
Your Address Settings
This allows you to set an address to be shown on your ordering page and for delivery orders when you're using a third-party integration like DoorDash Drive or Relay. To update your physical or mailing address, click on the 'Edit' button.
After clicking on 'Edit', enter the name of your location and the physical address. If your mailing address differs from your physical address, you can uncheck 'Same as Physical?' to enter a new address. After completing all fields, click 'Save Addresses' to apply the changes.
Delivery Settings
If you are using a delivery integration, you will need to enter a phone number for delivery drivers to be able to contact your location. If you enter an email and phone number, it will also be shown on the receipt sent to guests and on the post-checkout screen.
If you would like to limit the distance guests can have orders delivered, you can create a Delivery Zone which allows you to set a specific distance or zip codes that you can deliver. Please note that this does not apply to third-party delivery services like DoorDash Drive. To create a new Delivery Zone, click 'Enable'.
In the pop-up window, you can select one of three options for your delivery zone:
- Delivery Distance
- Zip Codes
- Delivery Distance and Zip Codes
Selecting the 'Delivery Distance' will allow deliveries to a specific radius of miles from your location. After entering the distance in miles you would like to allow deliveries to, click the confirm button to save the configuration.
Selecting the Zip Code option will prompt you to enter a list of zip codes for areas that you would like to allow deliveries to. After entering all of the zip codes, you'd like to allow deliveries, click the 'Confirm' button to save your configuration.
Selecting the option for zip codes and delivery radius will limit deliveries only to zip codes within a certain-mile radius from your location. After entering the distance in miles from your location and the specific zip codes, you would like to allow deliveries to, click the 'Confirm' button to save your configuration.
The checkout limitations feature provides you extra control over the guest's ability to complete orders. To learn more about creating a Checkout Limitation, click here.
To adjust the sales tax percentage on your menu items, enter the desired percentage and hit 'Save Default Tax Rate'. Changing the default tax rate will only affect menu items that are added after the tax rate is changed.
You can update the sales tax rate on all existing menu items by clicking "select all" and then the pencil icon.
In the pop-up window, click on 'Taxes' and then on the dropdown menu and select 'Set'. Enter the updated tax rate and click save to apply it to the menu items.
Other Account Settings
Account Wide Order Settings allows you to configure the minimum cart amount a guest can have and add the option for free orders.
Minimum cart amount for paid orders: Rejects orders that are non-free but where the total of the cart items (before tax, tip, discounts, and delivery charge) is below this amount. Displays the error 'Minimum charge is &x
Allow free orders: If the menu has $0 items such as water, enabling this setting allows those items to be ordered by themselves.
Allow free order after a paid order: Enabling allows a guest to place up to 5 individual orders worth $0 within 4 hours of buying something.
The Master Menu Sync feature allows you to use a master account to establish uniformity of a menu across multiple accounts. If you are using a corporate-made menu, it can be created and edited in a single account, and the changes can then be distributed across all restaurants.
To configure the menu sync, you must enable it under each child account. To enable it, click 'Configure Sync'.
In the pop-up window, select the account you'd like to sync the menu from and select what items below to sync from the master account.
- Menu Items - All menu items and menus will be copied over to the account from the master account.
- Menu Hours - All current menu availability will be updated based on the hours for the master menu.
- Employees - Any current employees added under the Employee Settings will be added, including their current permissions level and any report subscriptions.
- Banner Image & Icons - Images and icons added to the ordering page will be added and displayed on the accounts ordering page.
- Messages to Guests - Guest Notification Sets that are currently configured under the master account will be added and will be displayed to guests.
- Minimum Order Settings - Restrictions for guests trying to checkout without the minimum order amount will be added under the Account Wide Order Settings.
- Promotions - Current promotion codes that have been added under the master account will be added under the Promo and Discount Codes.
- Delivery Charge - Service Charges that have been added for the Delivery fulfillment method will be added under the Service Charges settings.
Once you've selected the account you'd like to sync from and the fields to sync, click the submit button to save your settings, and you will see a green checkmark next to 'Configured'. By clicking the 'Settings' button, you can change any of the items that are synced from the master menu as well.
Once the menu sync is configured, the sync occurs every 5 minutes. If updates are made to the master menu or any items are updated, you should perform a manual sync, which can be done in the Menu settings by clicking the 'Check Master Menu Sync' button. This will display a popup window that will indicate if the sync was successful, and you can also perform a sync by clicking the 'Sync Now' button.
For any questions or help with any of the settings above, please contact our Support Team at
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