You can receive support text or email alerts from Tableside Order & Pay!
These automatic messages from our server alert management when a new order comes in, if an order has not been accepted for a significant amount of time, or when an order is due to be fulfilled.
How to set up support alerts:
Once you've arrived at this page, select 'Add Alert Recipient'.
Here you will be given the option to link to an existing employee, a device profile, or to create a new alert recipient.
- Link To Existing Employee: If you select this option, you will get a popup with a dropdown menu of the employees that currently exist in your owner panel.
- Link To Device Profile: If you select this option, you will see a similar popup with a dropdown menu of your available device profiles.
- Create New Alert Recipient: If you select this option, you will be required to enter the new recipient's name, then you will be given the options for text notification, email notification, or both. Depending on which you select, you will be prompted to enter the recipient's phone number, email, or both. After entering the requested information, select 'Confirm'.
Support Alert Options:
Next, you will be prompted to select how you would like to configure alerts. You will have 2 options for how you would like to configure your alerts.
- Copy alerts from another alert recipient: Select this option if you would like to copy alert settings from one recipient to another. You will be provided a list of existing recipients from which you can select an individual's settings to copy over to the new recipient.
Use custom alert settings (Advanced): Selecting this option will truly allow you to customize your alerts. You will be able to tailor your alerts around the criteria listed below.
- Which station(s): Choose between all stations or select specific stations
What type of alert?: Choose what types of alerts you would like to receive and how you would like to receive them (text or email). Depending on your settings and previous selections, you may see some portion or all of the following options:
- Order received: An alert that a new order has been received
- Order left un-opened: An alert that an order has been left unopened in the KDS
- Order due: An alert that an order is due
- Hours/Minutes/Time until alert is sent: Depending on the type of alert you select from the above, you may have the option to select the amount of time until the alert is sent. Your options will vary depending on your selection.
Once you have customized your alert, select 'Add Alert'. From here, you will see it populate on the list of 'Active Alerts' within the popup, and you will be able to add additional alerts. After you have added all of the custom alerts you would like, click 'Submit' to save all.
When you receive text alerts, you are also able to specify a time period that you'd like the alerts muted for, disable alerts permanently, and re-enable alerts if they've been muted.
In the text message alert you've received, you can reply with one of the commands below to adjust the settings of the alerts you receive after texting the command 'Snooze'
- Off - Mute alerts until the next scheduled opening of your location
- 3 - You can mute alerts for 3 hours
- 2 Days - Mute alerts for 2 days
- 5pm - Mute support alerts until 5pm. If you choose this setting before 5pm it will be done that day and if after 5pm it will be snoozed until 5pm the following day.
- Disable - Permanently mute Tableside Order & Pay support alerts.
- On - Re-enable support alerts if they have been temporarily muted.
- Status - Check the status of current alerts and whether they are muted.
Sending the message 'Check' will notify you as to whether the alerts are currently enabled. If you send a command to snooze the text alerts followed by one of the variables above, you will receive a notification advising of the date and time your alerts will be unsnoozed.
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