All return items returned must be shipped within seven days of receiving the return label from Tableside Order & Pay Account Management Rep or the shipping label may expire.
As long as a customer is engaged with Tableside Order & Pay in a 12-month or longer term contract, their products may be covered by warranty.
Every 12 months, a customer may submit a request for the replacement of a (i) printer control box, (ii) mount or (iii) stand, at no cost to the customer. The device must have experienced normal wear and tear.
In the event of normal wear and tear, Tableside Order & Pay agrees to provide customer with a replacement of (i) tablet, (ii) handheld, or (iii) printer for fifty percent (50%) off the price the item was purchased for, and customer will pay for the remaining cost. The device must have experienced normal wear and tear.
The determination of normal wear and tear shall be at the sole discretion of Tableside Order & Pay. It must be determined by Tableside Order & Pay that the device was not deliberately damaged or damaged through unintended use. Events specifically not covered by warranty includes any damage from being dropped and an electronic item which has been exposed to moisture.
Tableside Order & Pay reserves the right to further investigate and make a final determination for returns, refunds, and replacements. Any request which does not fall within the above terms will be evaluated on a case-by-case basis.
To submit any return or exchange request, please reach out directly to your Account Management Rep or email Customers can reasonably expect to receive a clear and direct response within two weeks of submitting a refund, or exchange request.
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