If you are operating in a ghost kitchen or food hall environment, it can be difficult to reconcile sales for multiple vendors on one checkout. When a guest places items in the cart and proceeds to the checkout screen, they'll be presented with a breakdown of the cost for each vendor and a subtotal of the charges, the tax applied, and the total tip.
If the guest selects one of the default tip percentages, the percentage selected will be applied to the subtotal of the order. For example, if the guest selects a 20% tip, that percentage will be applied to each menu item. If any of the items are refunded, the tip amount will be reduced by that prorated tip amount i.e. the 20% tip will be applied to the remainder of the items left on the order; the same will apply to any Service Charges applied.
If you want to see a breakdown of sales for multivendor orders, log in to the Owner Panel and click on 'Reports' under the 'Financials' heading.
The Vendor Transactions report provides the sales data for any vendor that has been added to the Parent account for any ghost kitchen or food hall; if you'd like to have the report enabled for you, please get in touch with our Support Team at bb-support@doordash.com.
Service Charges applied on a multivendor order will be assigned to a vendor randomly. If that vendor's order is refunded, it will be assigned to one of the remaining vendors.
For questions about multivendor orders or how sales are distributed, please get in touch with our Support Team at bb-support@doordash.com.
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