For help accessing reports please see Accessing the Report Builder & Using the Options
The following reports are available in the Owner Panel
Sales by Category -
The Sales By Category Report shows data for individual reporting categories, active users, checkout items, sales tax, net sales, and gross sales formulated from the time range selected.
Sales by Item -
The Sales By Item Report shows total items, items delivered, items refunded, sales tax, net sales, and gross sales formulated from the time range selected for individual menu items.
Sales by Location -
The Sales By Location Report shows food sales, drink sales, total sales, and tips formulated from the time range selected for individual locations
Tip Report -
The Tip Report shows data for total tips as well as tips by food, drink and all other reporting categories formulated from the time range selected.
Tips by Location -
The Tips By Location Report shows dollar amount of tips received for individual locations formulated from the time range selected broken and displayed in 1-hour increments.
Third-Party Delivery -
The Third-Party Delivery Report shows data for deliveries executed by a third-party delivery service formulated from the time range selected. Data includes order number, delivery fees charged to customers, gross amount, driver tips, third party delivery costs, and withholdings.
Accounting & Transfers -
Tableside Order & Pay's accounting system processes credit card charges and combines them into transfers based on the day when the card charges will clear by the guest's bank. The Accounting and transfers report explains the components of each transfer and shows its scheduled date.
Transfers Breakdown -
Each night, Tableside Order & Pay's accounting system processes credit card charges and combines them into transfers based on the day when the card charges will clear by the guest's bank. The Transfers Breakdown report shows data for individual transactions within a transfer batch.
Card Payments -
The Card Payments Report shows data for orders attached to card payments based on the time range selected. Data includes order date and number, transaction type, ID and amount, status, location, user information, reporting category dollar amounts; and order pretax totals, tax, tips, and gross total.
Chargeback Details -
The Chargeback Details report will allow you to view all transactions that have been disputed by guests. Data includes chargeback date, chargeback reason, order date, order numbers, name on card, card last 4, card brand, card zip, transaction id, location, user unique id, user signed in, guest name, guest phone, guest email, sales pretax, tip, orders delivery, orders tax, order total, chargeback total principal, chargeback total bank fees, charged-back processing fees, charged-back principal in transfer, charged-back bank fees in transfer, and net bank transfer.
Sales by SKU -
The Sales by SKU Report shows data for individual SKU numbers based on the time range selected. Data includes report category, menu heading, modifier group, item name, total items ordered, items delivered, items refunded, net sales pretax, sales tax, and total sales incl tax.
Menu Visits -
The Menu Visits Report shows the number of visits to your menu URL (website address) within the time range selected.
Transaction Details -
The Transaction Details Report shows data for individual order numbers based on the time range selected. Data includes the date, location, transaction id, order number, user id, user signed in, guest name, guest phone, guest email, consents to special offers, fulfillment method, delivery address, num items, num refunded, promotions, service fee pretax, items pretax, tax, tip, total, Tableside Order & Pay and processing fees, Bank transfer after fees, and Description.
Reports Which Require Special Access
To request access to view these reports, please contact
Cuts From Vendors -
The Cuts from Vendors Report will display the cuts from cut agreements between the account where the report is being pulled from and the related vendors. The columns in this report include the Accounting Date, Cut of (Items, tips, order fee, service charges), Chargebacks and misc., Final Bank Transfer, and Transfer Date
Chain-Wide Accounting Report -
The Chain-Wide Accounting Report is similar to the Accounting & Transfers Report but exists for chains to view the components of each transfer and shows its scheduled date by chain/franchise
Sales by Zone Report -
The Sales by Zone Report allows you to see total Sales attached to specific Zones. You'll need to assign Location codes to Zones to take advantage of this Report.
Tips by Zone Report -
The Tips by Zone Report allows you to see total Tips attached to specific Zones. You'll need to assign Location codes to Zones to take advantage of this Report.
Sales by Meal & Zone Report -
The Sales by Meal & Zone Report allows you to see total Sales attached to specific Zones broken out by Time blocks which reflect standard times for lunch, dinner, and late-night. You'll need to assign Location codes to Zones to take advantage of this Report.
Vendor Transactions Report -
The Vendor Transactions Report allows Parent accounts for Food Halls and Chains to view the Transaction Details for orders placed at their associated child accounts. In addition to the standard columns in the Transaction Details Report, this report includes columns identifying the vendor for a given order and whether the order is part of a multi-vendor checkout.
Avg Orders/Minute Report -
The Avg Orders/Minutes Report displays how many orders were submitted within a selected time period and broken down into minutes. It follows increments of 4 minutes.
Fulfillment Performance Report -
The Fulfillment Performance Report displays when orders are placed and the time through steps in their fulfillment journey until marked 'delivered' by staff. This can be used to see how long guests had to wait to receive their orders and troubleshoot restaurant process problems.
Vendor Sales by Zone Report -
The Vendor Sales by zone Report is similar to the Sales by Zone Report but used primarily by Food halls with multiple vendors.
Chain-Wide Chargeback Report -
The Chain-Wide Chargeback Report allows Parent Accounts for Food Halls and Chains to view Chargeback details at their associated child accounts. In addition to the columns found in the Chargeback Details Report, this includes a Venue Name and Venue Number column.
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