The Tableside Order & Pay Terminal Tips Screen displays tip summaries that can be broken down or lumped together in many ways, allowing you to tip out employees accurately. The Tips screen will show a summary of the day, as well as an hourly breakdown of that summary.
By default, today’s tips will display. If you are looking to pull tips for a specific date in the past or a date range, you can further adjust in this same toolbar. Lastly, you can change the grouping of tips in the breakdown to be by the hour, half-hour, quarter-hour, or by the server.
Grouping by the server will show how much each server has made in tips.
If you would like to see tips for only a specific tablet, zone, location, or multiple locations, you can distill them out using the drop-down menu and checkboxes in the right-hand column.
You are also able to expand or contract the list of locations by clicking the arrows shown below.
NOTE: Tips shown on the Terminal Tip Screen exclude tips from DoorDash drivers and can be used to tip out employees. Restaurants should not use the Tip column of the Accounting & Transfers Report to distribute tips to employees; the Accounting & Transfers Report shows all sales, including DoorDash tips and withholding of DoorDash tips.
For questions about the Tips screen, please contact our Support Team at
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