The Search Orders screen allows you to find previous orders, move active orders through statuses, refund orders, send receipts, and reprint tickets.
To search for order(s), you can enter any of the following criteria:
- Order Number
- Start Date / Time
- End Date / Time
- Location
- Phone Number
- Card Last 4
- Card Expiration Date
- Card Expiration Year
- Checkout Info
When searching by 'Checkout Info' you must ensure that you've enabled the Guest Checkout Information settings for the location codes you're using. You will be able to enter any of the information the guest entered when checking out to find orders with that information.
In the dropdown menu 'Sort By', you can select from the below options how you would like previous orders to be displayed.
- Last Modified
- Created (Order #)
- Desired Time
- Time Closed
- Snooze Until
In the dropdown menu 'Sort Order', you can have the newest or oldest ticket displayed first based on what you selected in the 'Sort By' menu.
The 'Location' dropdown menu allows you to only show tickets for a specific Location Code.
Once you have entered your search criteria and selected the blue “Search Orders” button, your screen will populate with orders that match.
Each order will display with a slightly darker gray header that includes the order number, location code, and the total time between receiving the order and fulfillment. Delivery orders will also show delivery information in the header. Under each order header, you can view all items in the order and any associated modifiers, quantities, and prices.
When you select an order, the items within the order will highlight blue, and an action bar will appear at the bottom of the screen, as shown below:
Within this action bar, you can advance the order's status with a single click. You can also reprint the ticket for the order, send a receipt via email or SMS, and issue refunds for selected items within the order.
For questions about searching for orders in the terminal, please contact our Support Team at
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