All Tableside Order & Pay menus are stored as CSV (comma-separated value) format files and can easily be edited as spreadsheets using programs like Microsoft Excel or Google Sheets.
The top row of Tableside Order & Pay CSV menus contains titles for each column, each of which is described in detail below. If you are creating a CSV menu from scratch, you will need to enter these manually. Each following row of your CSV represents a menu item or an item modifier.
* CSV uploads are unable to handle special characters! Once the CSV has been uploaded you can manually add special characters by editing the menu item.
Menu Items & Corresponding CSV Columns
All items should have a unique name. For example, if you have separate menu items for Chardonnay, one by the glass and one by the bottle, the menu item for the glass should have "Glass" in the name, and the menu item for the bottle should have "Bottle."
- FOOD OR DRINK: Populated with "food" or "drink." This is useful for determining the fulfillment station for the item.
- CATEGORY: Determines which menu heading the item falls under. Use the same menu heading for multiple items (i.e. "Sandwiches") to organize all items of that type together.
- TITLE: Name of the menu item. Both guests and the fulfillment station will see this name, so make sure it is guest-facing as well as descriptive enough for the kitchen/bar.
- PRICE: How much the menu item will cost. Just enter numerical values here and do not include "$". You may only enter a price with up to two decimal places but do not need to include decimals if the price is a whole number.
- DESCRIPTION: Enter more detailed information about this item. Only guests will see this description. This field may be left blank, but we recommend always adding a description!
- MOST LOVED: Items with a 'y' entered in this column this item will be highlighted at the top of their menu headings. This is useful for highlighting chef/staff favorites, popular items, or promotional items. You may leave it blank if the item is not being highlighted.
- REPORT CATEGORY: Groups items into a category (i.e. "food", "beer", "liquor") for reporting purposes.
- BBOT ID: This can be left blank for new uploads. Once you've uploaded the CSV, Tableside Order & Pay IDs will be created for each line item. If you have downloaded a previous CSV to update, there will already be values in this column. By leaving these values intact, the system will acknowledge any updates to the existing items with matching IDs.
- IMAGE (OPTIONAL): An image may be copied directly into this field to display the image along with this item.
- SHOW IMAGE ON THE FRONT PAGE: Enter a 'y' in this column for the image in the "IMAGE (OPTIONAL)" field to also appear next to the menu item as guests scroll through the menu. If left blank the image will only be visible in the item details when they tap on that item.
- STATION(S) (OPTIONAL): Which station(s) the item is assigned to. If the value is blank, the item will follow default settings and will not have a designated station until manually set by editing the item.
- PRINTER(S) (OPTIONAL): Which printer(s) the item will print at. If the value is blank, the item will follow default settings and will not have a designated printer it's fulfilled by. If the value is "none," the item will not print to any printer.
* NOTE: It's not advised to make changes to menu items' stations or printers via CSV! Changes to these fields should be made directly in the owner panel after a menu CSV is successfully uploaded. The "STATION(S) (OPTIONAL)" and "PRINTER(S) (OPTIONAL)" columns are intended to be used as a resource to restore menus that have been deleted or unintentionally changed. For example, after uploading a new CSV menu and assigning stations and printers, you may want to download the CSV of that same menu, as it will now contain information on station and printer routing. This backup copy can be used to revert back to this version of the menu if needed.
Item Modifiers & Corresponding CSV Columns
Modifiers must be entered below the item they modify.
- ADD-ON HEADING: Corresponds to the modifier group. You will use the same add-on heading for multiple modifiers to group the options into a selection. Add-on headings can be general (i.e. "Options" or "Additions") or more specific (i.e. "Dressing" or "Meat Temperature").
- NUM SELECTABLE IN THIS HEADING: Specify how many options a guest can/must choose within each heading. You can specify an exact number (i.e. entering "3" will require your guests to choose exactly three selections in this heading) or a range (i.e. entering "0-2" will allow a guest to choose zero, one, or two of the selections in this heading). To allow guests to select unlimited options within the heading, create a range that ends with "999". The number or range entered here must be the same for all modifiers with the same heading.
- ADD-ON NAME: Corresponds to the modifier name of the particular option you are adding. This is what will print on the kitchen/bar ticket, so make sure it's descriptive!
- ADD-ON PRICE: Specifies an additional charge associated with this option (in USD). If there is no additional charge, enter "0".
- ADD-ON SELECTED BY DEFAULT: Add a 'y' in this field if you would like this option to be selected by default. A guest can then un-select it if they would like.
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