A Tableside Order & Pay menu houses groups of menu items organized by menu headings. You may have multiple Tableside Order & Pay menus, each with unique menu items, headers, and timers.
When creating menus, remember that they are just shells and operate independently from menu items and headings. You need to link menu items and headings to the menu if you want them to show within that menu.
To view your menus, login to the Tableside Order & Pay Owner Panel and click on 'Menus' under the 'Menu Management' heading.
Under the 'Menus' section, you can see all menus that have been added and the headings that appear under that menu.
To add a new menu, click the blue plus sign on the top right and enter a name for the menu.
You may now import a CSV, link a menu from your POS (for POS-integrated merchants), or manually add items to have them displayed on your menu page. To change the availability of the menu, you can click 'Adjust Menu Timers', which takes you to the Available Hours + Menu Settings section of the Owner Panel.
To change the name of a menu, click on the menu and enter the new name in the text field under 'Edit Menu Name' and click 'Save'.
Menus can also be enabled or disabled by checking or unchecking the box under 'Enabled'. This controls whether or not a guest can order items from the menu and disables all items under that menu.
To delete a menu, click the checkbox next to the menu and click the trashcan icon.
For any questions about adding or configuring menus, please contact our Support Team at bb-support@doordash.com.
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