Tableside Order & Pay menu items can be tagged with pre-designed tags to indicate vegetarian, spicy, alcohol, and/or gluten-free from with the Tableside Order & Pay Owner Panel. Custom tags can also be created.
Pre-designed Menu Item Tags
To apply a tag to a menu item, click on 'Menu Items on the Owner Panel home page and click the menu item you would like to apply a tag on.
You can add these easily recognizable tags to be displayed on menu items. This allows guests' special dietary restrictions to be addressed quickly and conveniently.
Custom Menu Item Tags
Custom menu item tags will not have an icon and the words of the custom-created tag will appear with the menu item on the menu. Custom tags can also be used to configure Checkout Limitations as well.
To create a custom menu item tag, click on 'TAGS' from the Owner Panel home page and click the white plus sign inside of the blue circle.
Type the name of the custom tag in 'Tag Name', click the option for 'Visible to Patrons?' and click 'ADD TAG'
Numerical Tag Settings are used for Checkout Limitations.
In the example below, we are adding the custom menu item tag named 'Tree Nuts'.
The custom menu item tag is now available in 'TAGS' and can be added to menu items using the same steps for adding the pre-designed menu item tags shown at the top of this document.
Below is an example of a custom menu item tag attached to a menu item appearing on a menu.
Numerical Tag Setting
This setting can be used to apply checkout limitations on the items. to be used if you only allow a limited number of an item to be ordered at once.
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