For future orders placed through Tableside Order & Pay, the guest is presented with a list of possible time blocks. In the discussion below, the order's "desired time" is the start time of the time block that a guest selected (e.g. 1 PM in the example below).
DoorDash Drive and other third-party courier services will be asked to have the driver arrive at the "desired time". Thus, the order should be ready for pickup/delivery at the "desired time".
For example, if the guest requests the 1:00 PM - 1:30 PM time block, Tableside Order & Pay will tell the driver to arrive at 1:00PM and tell the restaurant the order is for 1:00PM. The displayed half-hour window "1:00PM - 1:30PM" then covers the possible delivery times. We recommend you use a time block width of at least 30 minutes for delivery orders, to cover the driver's travel time to the consumer. (Timeblock width is 30 minutes by default, and can be controlled in the menu settings in the Tableside Order & Pay owner portal.)
When using the Tableside Order & Pay Terminal to fulfill, the order will display as "snoozed" until 45 minutes prior to the "desired time". Snoozed orders show on the Future Orders tab rather than the Current Orders tab. Future orders can also be snoozed and un-snoozed manually. This 45-minute "auto-snooze time" can be adjusted via a support request to Tableside Order & Pay.
If the guest requests a time of "ASAP", Tableside Order & Pay will display it to the restaurant immediately and will tell the third-party courier to arrive in 25 minutes. This 25-minute "default prep time for ASAP delivery orders" can be adjusted via a support request to Tableside Order & Pay.
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