Aloha Install Requirements
We can only install Aloha sites 12.3 or higher. We can no longer support 6.7 sites.
*Important* - Make sure the restaurant’s Aloha vendor has properly licensed and configured these items:
a. Aloha Connect License
b. 2 EIT license (or licensed interface terminal)
c. Set of credentials that have the ability to edit/create terminals, employees, and menu items.
System Specs
Windows version:
CPU information:
Physical memory:
Aloha Version:
Aloha TS/QS?:
Aloha Version:
Check Firewalls
To test whether firewall access is allowed.
open a web browser (Internet Explorer, Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox)
navigate to
Check if ATG is installed and Running:
Go to services.msc, check that the two services for ATG are installed.
Is ATG installed and its services running? :
If not then Install ATG
12.3 Locations use this version:
14.1, 15.1 should have it installed. If it is not please have the site contact their dealer.
Once the installer GUI is complete, verify the ATG services are both running.
Set the LOCAL DIR Environmental Variable.
Run from CMD setx LOCALDIR "%IBERDIR%" /M
Add Omnivore license key to Aloha
Check to make sure that the line is not already in the radacctl.lic file before adding it. You can search by opening the file with notepad and doing a ctrl+f
- Add: 4E0?495W5@5?4L4M2<4G401M1I1?2F3Q093O0Q2T0P3>2O1R343>132Z3M1P433<4O1B3V4R1V2J
Aloha Manager Configuration Changes
Interface Server Setup:
d. >Maintenance
e. >Hardware
f. >Terminals
i. Click New on the right-hand side.
ii. Under Number type “99”, as this is the standard number we use for the Interface
server. If this is already in use, choose another number and make note of it
iii. In the name, type “INT SERVER”
iv. Set Revenue Center to be the same as what the Operator uses on their physical terminals
v. Make sure the configuration matches this screenshot
vi. Also note, the revenue center will change from site to site. It is important that we verify with the restaurant operator which one they would like to use.
Click Save!
Interface Terminals
a. >Maintenance
b. >Hardware
c. >Terminals
i. Click New on the right-hand side.
ii. Type “101”, as this is the standard number we use for the Interface Terminal. If this is already in use, choose another number and make note of it.
iii. In the name, type “INT TRM”
iv. Set Revenue Center to be the same as what the Operator uses on their physical terminals
v. Make sure the configuration matches this screenshot
vi. Save
vii. Repeat this process for the second interface terminal and name it “EMP INT TRM”
Interface Server ID:
Interface Terminal ID 1:
Interface Terminal ID 2:
Job Codes
1. Adding a Job Code (this needs to be first)
a. >Maintenance
b. >Labor
c. >Job Codes
i. Click New and enter a number that does not exist on the job code drop-down
ii. Enter the name of the job code (975,API)
iii. Mimic the following setups according to the pictures to make the job code self banking
iv. On the TABLE SERVICE TAB - Enable Auto Return Get Checks
Check Type - select Tabs and Tables
API Employee Setup
d. >Maintenance
e. >Labor
f. >Emlpoyees
i. Click the down arrow next to “New” and select POS Only type.
ii. On the POS Employee Number: Type “975”, as this is the standard number we use for the Interface Server.
If this is already in use then choose another number and make note of it.
iii. Under the Job code tab, Click “Add” and select your POS Agent Job code with an access level of “None”.
Employee ID:
Optional Partner Employee ID:
Job Code ID:
Setting up Site to Launch Interface Server
Please check that there is not already a iber.exe or iberqs.exe running. If there is, there is no need for this part!
Go to Maintenance>System Settings>Integrations
1. Click +New
2. Set Interface Server Terminal to our Interface Server (Term99)
3. Make sure the proper Type of Operation is Set i.e TS or QS
4. Click “Start the POS if not already running”
5. Click “Force start of POS even if instance if found”
6. In the case of Dual NIC.
If the site is using a dual NIC check IP address
To determine if dual NIC simply open a cmd prompt and type ipconfig,
this will provide a list of all NIC. The Aloha NIC is the one most likely not set with a gateway.
7. Type the name of the pc (most likely ALOHABOH)
8. Type the IP Address from the Aloha network
9. Click Save.
Interface Server Terminal:
Aloha Network IP Address:
Back Office Machine Name:
If the site does not have the Integration section in NAM or Old Aloha Manager.
You will need to manually create this in the
Please use this to help guide you with the setup.
(OPTIONAL) Tender Types
1. Adding a new Tender Type
a. >Maintenance
b. >Payments
c. >Tenders
i. Click the down arrow next to “New” and select type of Generic.
ii. Type a number of Tender Type you wish to add
iii. Under Name, type the name of the tender type
iv. Save the tender type
v. Make sure under Report As dropdown, the name of the tender type is selected Click Save.
2. Configurations
a. The only two tabs that need to be configured are Tender and Type. See screenshots for both.
b. Select Active
c. Select Track
d. Select Can Refund
e. Select the Tender in the Report As dropdown. *After Saving
f. Enable Allow Tips
i. Set Maximum to 999%
Tender ID:
(OPTIONAL) Menu Items
Menu Items must be placed on a submenu for our integration to see. If you want the item to be a “Ghost Item” simply add to a Submenu that does not exist on a Menu.
1. Click New (For Config Center make sure proper store is selected or Corp)
2. Item Number: (Typically 975)
3. Type: Standard
4. Short Name: Name on button
5. Chit Name: Name that prints on kitchen printers
6. Long Name: Name that appears on Guest Check.
7. (OPTIONAL) Ask for Description: Will force staff to input the name of the item when this item is ordered.
8. Tax Group: Any item will be zero dollars.
9. Sales/Retail category: Food
10. Save.
At this point, the item will need to be placed on a New or existing Submenu. Maintenance>Menu>Submenu
Go to the Layout of the chosen Submenu and find an open spot.
Click the spot and to the right under Item click the drop-down and find your created item.
Some versions allow you to type the number of the item and it will auto-sort to it.
Menu Items:
Make sure to save!
Getting Interface server to run.
- The next step is to get the interface server to run. Since we use ATG to launch it, simply go to Services.msc, scroll down to “NCR Aloha Transaction Gateway Helper” service and restart it.
- Wait up to 2 minutes and you should see an iber.exe or iberqs.exe running. If you do not, check that you have a LOCAL DIR environmental variable that matches where the IBERDIR is pointing.
- If not please add. **OPTIONAL CMD LINE**
- Run from CMD setx LOCALDIR "%IBERDIR%" /M
- Restart “NCR Aloha Transaction Gateway Helper” and wait again.
- If you still do not get an iber.exe or iberqs.exe then go to the \Bootdrv\aloha and delete the downtime.ini and restart the ATGHelper again. If you see an iber.exe or iberqs.exe start and die in the task manager a few times, that is OK but if it keeps happening, please go to the troubleshooting section.
1. Open C:\Program Files\POS Agent
a. sometimes the path is C:\Program Filesx86\POS Agent
2. open general.ini
3. Navigate to the Agent section
a. Change DisableProcessCheck = False
b. Change ReadOnly = False
4. Navigate to the Aloha section
5. Verify that the following arguments are set
a. AgentUser = {whatever it was set as, 975 is standard}
b. InterfaceTerminal = {whatever it was set as, 101 is standard}
c. InterfaceTerminal = {whatever it was set as, 102 is standard}
d. InterfaceServer = {whatever it was set as, 99 is standard}
6. Save and restart the agent
Restart Agent: If you had to change the general.ini file, restart the POS Agent service
1. click Windows Start
2. click Run
3. type “services.msc” and click Run
4. scroll down the list and find the POS Agent service
5. right-click POS Agent and click Restart
6. wait for it to complete, then close the Services window
Test the Omnivore API for Write Operations
Using your preferred REST client:
1.create a ticket
2.order and item
3.make payment(s)
4.ask a manager to void the ticket.
***15.1 Locations with 17 Series RAL****
You must set under properties>Security Tab for the “Program Files(x86)\POS Agent & \Windows\Temp folders the user that the Iber(QS).exe is launched under (ATGServiceUser, AlohaIntegrationUser, Term99User)to allow “Full Control”.
You must set Control Panel\All Control Panel Items\Administrative Tools\Component Services\Computers\My Computer right-click then Properties then go to the COM Security tab. Under the Launch and Activation Permissions Edit Default.
There you must add the same user from above to Local Launch and Local Activation.
icacls "c:\Program Files(x86)\Pos Agent" /grant
AlohaIntegrationUser:(OI)(CI)F /T
icacls "c:\Programdata\Pos Agent" /grant AlohaIntegrationUser:(OI)(CI)F /T
icacls "c:\windows\temp" /grant AlohaIntegrationUser:(OI)(CI)F /T
icacls "c:\windows\temp" /grant Term02User:(OI)(CI)F /T
-If Iber is running under RadiantTakeout:
Add the same permissions as above, except give permission to NT SERVICE\RadiantTakeout instead of the ATG users.
The most common location to begin troubleshooting is the interface server log file. Go to %IBERDIR% (the install directory of Aloha)\TMP\Debout.99 or
DEBOUT.<Current Date>.99. Scroll towards the bottom of the debout to see what error is being thrown.
If the Iber.exe has restarted already. Look for this line:
Jun 28, 14:13:30.207824, [1696], [INFO], [Startup], "***************************************************"
Jun 28, 14:13:30.207824, [1696], [INFO], [Startup], "ENVIRONMENT START"
un 28, 14:13:30.207824, [1696], [INFO], [Startup], "***************************************************"
That is the start of the Iber.exe and then scroll up to start looking for errors.
Most common reasons for the interface server to not come up.
Refresh not completed after the creation of the interface server and terminal.
Aloha Stored Values is stuck during install…
The site needs to contact Hosted Solutions to get this fixed.
iber.exe does not launch or stay running when using ATG
- Confirm LOCAL DIR variables are set in the system environment on the Aloha BOH file Server.
- Confirm the configuration of the ATG interface server in CFC and that it matches the TERM variable on the Aloha BOH file server.
- Use Notepad to view the AlohaTransactionGateway.cfg and confirm the InterfaceServerID, ATG server, and IP address entries match the TERM environment variable and terminal number configured in CFC.
- Confirm Iber.exe launches to a ‘Terminal Up’ state, when manually running directly from the %IBERDIR%\BIN folder.
- Confirm the following ports are open on the firewall:
ATG uses TCP port 7788 to talk to Iber.exe.
ATG uses TCP ports 8898 and 8899
Exempt the following files or parent folders in your virus scan settings.
For all other errors where a COM error is shown in LogDNA Please refer to this sheet
Troubleshooting Cont:
Omnivore endpoints pull from the Categories side of Aloha, and not the "submenus" which is what the majority of customers are familiar with.
If you run into menus pulling very few items, or no items, it's a good chance it's because those categories aren't fleshed out.
Items need to be in both a category and a submenu for Omnivore to properly pull and price.
You can find them inside Aloha under (Maintenance > Menu > Categories).
Click on which category you want, and then click the tab labeled "items".
Here you can add/remove which items you want in each category.
After you do this, you need to refresh the POS under Utilities.
Then give it 10-15 minutes before Omnivore will update to see the new items inside Tableside Order & Pay.
Omnivore pulls pricing from items and apparently submenus. A customer had an item priced out at $9.50 under items, but pulling a report showed they had the item as part of a submenu and labeled as $0.
The customer and I removed that submenu, waited 20 minutes for Omnivore to sync up with the changes, synced inside Tableside Order & Pay, and the prices were fixed.
So if you get $0 items coming across, make sure you are checking where the items reside inside Aloha.
Use the report feature below to find where items are saved to:
(Pull Reports > Menu Items by Number > SAVE AS PDF)
Checking AlohaTransactionGateway.cfg
LaunchIber = True
ForceLaunchIber = True
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