Revel Menu Builder Terminology
- Category - Similar to Menu in other POS systems
- Subcategory - Equivalent to a Menu Header
- Product - Equivalent to an item in TOP
- Active/Inactive - Similar to the Enable/Disable function in TOP. Will hide the item from ordering pages. This option will be used for stock if a Mx does not regularly update inventory within Revel
- Inventory - Unique to Revel. This is the stock amount that is used if Tableside Order & Pay is set to follow item quantity values in Revel
- Modifier Class - A modifier group that can be applied to products
- Modifier - Specific option for an item within a Modifier class
Create a Quick Product - From Backend
- From the Products page
- + Add
- Product
Create New Product
- Image - Pulled directly into TOP
- Name - Item name on POS and menu
- Price - Sale price pulled into TOP
- Cost - Amount the item costs Mx to make (not seen by Cx)
- Category - Menu item/product will display under
- Subcategory - Menu Header item/product will display under
- Class - Reporting category item/product is assigned to
- UDM - Set to Unit
- Item Taxed? - Almost always yes
- Tax Group - Appropriate tax settings to apply to item/product
- Additional Details > Printers - Printer assigned item will print to when ordered, also affects which KDS item is sent to
- Inventory Details - Fill in if needed, Mx will likely need to provide information
- Matrix Details - Not used for most cases
- Advanced Product Settings > Description - To add a description for TOP BOS
Create Modifiers
- Click on Modifiers from the Products page tabs on the left hand side of the screen.
- Click +Add Modifier Class, to add a Modifier Class.
- Enter a name for the Modifier Class in the corresponding field.
- Click the save icon to save the Modifier Class.
- Expand a Modifier Class by clicking the + icon next to the class name.
- Click +Add Modifier, to create a Modifier.
- Enter a name for the Modifier in the "Modifier Class Name" field.
- Input a cost and price for the modifier, if needed.
- Click the save icon located in the upper right corner to save the modifier.
Apply Modifiers
- Use the Modifier icon to apply modifiers and modifiers classes to products.
- Select the Products tab on the left side of the screen to go back to the Products page.
- Click the “M” associated with a product to apply a modifier to that product.
- Navigate to the desired modifier class to attach to the product.
- Set the rules for the modifier class.
- Click Save, located in the upper right corner to save changes.
Create a Quick Product - From iPad/POS
- Name - Item name on POS and menu
- Price - Sale price pulled into TOP
- Cost - Amount the item costs Mx to make (not seen by Cx)
- Category - Menu item/product will display under
- Subcategory - Menu Header item/product will display under
- Class - Reporting category item/product is assigned to
- UDM - Set to Unit
- Printers/KDS - Printer assigned item will print to when ordered
- Desc. - Description that is pulled directly into TOP
- Camera Icon - Apply image to product that will displayed under the TOP Item
Menu Configuration for Printing
Individual Products set which printer/KDS they are assigned to
- To edit printer/KDS for multiple products/items at once follow this guide to export and edit a CSV
In Management Console > Settings > KDS Print Options
- In the search results, check the box next to KDS Print Options.
- Select the options to print on the ticket
- Order Number: The order number. This option is selected by default; you may deselect it.
- Order Option: The type of order.
- Server Name: The server responsible for the order. This option is selected by default; you may deselect it.
- Guest Count: The number of guests in the party.
- Customer Name: The name of the customer. This value will remain blank if no customer name is specified. This option is selected by default for non-table service establishments.
- Call Number: The call number for the order. This value will remain blank if no call number is specified.
- Call Name: The call name for the order. This value will remain blank if no call name is specified.
- Table Number: The table number for the order. This option is selected by default for table service establishments.
- Seat Number: The seat number for the order. This option is selected by default for table service establishments.
- Coursing Data: Coursing information for the order.
- Key Data in Red: If selected, any modifiers will display in red.
- Notes: Any additional notes about the order.
- Click Save.
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