To connect the Square integration, log into the Owner Panel and navigate to the Tableside Order & Pay App Store under the 'Integrations' heading.
Scroll down to find 'Square Orders + Menus' or select 'POS Integrations' in the dropdown menu and click 'Connect Square'.
In the pop-up window, you'll receive a message advising that you will need to authorize Square to use Tableside Order & Pay and that all menu items will be archived once it is connected.
After clicking 'Connect', you will be directed to Square's merchant login page, where you'll need to enter your Square credentials to link your account with Tableside Order & Pay.
After logging in, you'll be taken back to Tableside Order & Pay and by clicking on 'Edit' you can configure the Square integration settings.
Once the Square integration is connected, you'll be able to configure the settings for orders being injected into Square by selecting the different boxes shown below.
Square Location: In the dropdown menu, all locations that have been added to your Square dashboard will be populated.
Should variations be treated as modifiers?: In Square, variations treat items as either individual items or modifiers for a menu item.
- Treat Variations As Modifiers: If selected, this will map all variations as modifiers on the menu items.
- Treat each variation as a separate menu item: If selected, each variation will map as a separate item in Tableside Order & Pay.
Import Images from Square: This will import menu item images to the associated menu item in Tableside Order & Pay and replace any current images that have been added in Tableside Order & Pay.
Inject Orders into Square: Orders placed through Tableside Order & Pay will be sent to the Square POS and displayed on the Square KDS. All orders will be injected as a Pickup order in Square.
Display Tableside Order & Pay location on Square ticket: If selected, the Tableside Order & Pay location code will be and displayed on the ticket, the KDS, and the POS. It will be displayed in the 'Notes' section of the ticket and on the KDS and the Square terminal.
Display Tableside Order & Pay fulfillment method on Square ticket: If selected, the Tableside Order & Pay fulfillment method (Delivery, Takeout, Server Delivery, etc.) will be injected into Square and displayed on the ticket, on the KDS, and the POS.
Display Tableside Order & Pay checkout info on Square ticket: Special instructions and allergy info will be shown on the Square ticket and KDS. This does not include any required checkout information that has been configured in Tableside Order & Pay.
Automatically mark orders as accepted in Tableside Order & Pay once they're injected into Square: This allows for the order to be updated to 'Accepted' in Tableside Order & Pay. This does not apply to the 'Catering' or 'No-Feedback' fulfillment methods.
Update Tableside Order & Pay order status on order status updates in Square: When status changes are made to the order in Square, the Tableside Order & Pay order will be updated to reflect the change without needing to update it manually in the Tableside Order & Pay KDS.
Ticket Name Field Format: Using the variables in the image below, guest information can be included in the 'Name Field' on Square tickets and on the KDS.
Order Prep Time (Minutes): This setting controls how long before tickets for future orders print in Square and how soon ASAP orders are due after being injected.
After connecting and configuring the Square integration, you will need to sync your menu items from Square. To add your Square items, click on 'Menus' under the 'Menu Management' heading in the Owner Panel.
Under the 'Menus' heading, click on the '+' sign to add a new menu.
After adding and naming your menu, you must select which Square 'Categories' you would like to appear in the Tableside Order & Pay. To select the categories to sync, click on the chain icon.
In the popup window, select the categories you want to sync from Square and click 'Submit'. Only items added to a Category in Square can be imported. Categories will create and map over as new 'Headings' in Tableside Order & Pay.
Once you've selected your Categories, you can click the 'Check Square Menu Sync Status' to perform a manual menu sync to have the menu items added. The Menu Sync will also occur automatically every 2-5 minutes.
Menu item properties are injected into Tableside Order & Pay from your Square menu and the items below cannot be edited in Tableside Order & Pay.
- Stock
- ‘Included item modifiers’
- ‘Menu heading’
- Images
- Price
- Tax
*Note*: Tax-inclusive pricing is not currently supported when injecting orders from Tableside Order & Pay to Square. If some items or menus are tax-inclusive, guests will receive an error message when trying to check out.
To disconnect the Square integration, navigate to the Tableside Order & Pay App Store and click disconnect.
You will then be presented with a pop-up window asking you to confirm that you want to disconnect your Square integration. You can also click 'Delete Existing Square Menu Items' to remove any Square menu items from Tableside Order & Pay.
Discounts and Service Charges
Discounts on Tableside Order & Pay orders will be added to orders in Square, and the discount name in Tableside Order & Pay will be mapped to the name field on orders in Square. The discount will be distributed among the items on orders as line item discounts are not currently supported.
Service charges will be injected into Square just as they are configured in Tableside Order & Pay as we currently do not have a method to map service charges directly from Square to Tableside Order & Pay.
Refunds can be placed on either platform and have the be reflected on the opposing end. Meaning if you place a refund in Square, it'll be reflected in Tableside Order & Pay and likewise.
Location Specific Pricing
Square allows for variable pricing based on which location is selected for the item. When the menu sync is completed, it adds the item with the base price; however, when the guest is checking out after adding the item, it will pull the price of that item for the location that has been configured in the Square dashboard.
Fulfilling Orders Using Square KDS
If you are using the Square KDS to fulfill Tableside Order & Pay orders, you must ensure it is set as an Expo Station and not a Prep Station. If the Square KDS is set as a Prep Station, the Tableside Order & Pay order status will not be updated when fulfilled in the Square KDS.
In the chance you encounter any issues while integrating the linked menus to Tableside Order & Pay, please ensure your menu is fully created. For example, all menu items must be created under a menu and all menu items need to be assigned to categories. If these steps aren't completed prior to linking the menu in Tableside Order & Pay, then the menus will not show.
For questions or assistance with configuring the Square integration, please contact our Support Team at
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