Micros 3700 Pre-reqs and Install guide
Product Requirements
Omnivore supports the following versions:
● RES4, RES5
● 4.6+
System Requirements on Server Computer
● Windows 7 Pro or higher
● 700 MB available/free memory (pre install)
● 1.5 GHz dual-core processor
● Microsoft Visual C++ 2010 Redistributable Package
You will need to confirm TCP outbound connection to our servers. The rule should be configured for outbound connections only. Updates and all tasks are pulled down from our servers.
● TCP Port 443
Security Exceptions
Please confirm if there is security software or FIM on the Server computer which can interfere with Omnivore’s installation package. If so, make sure the following executables have been added to the exception list.
● Confirm that pos_agent.exe, agent_updater.exe, bridge.exe, omnivore.exe, host.exe,
init.exe, realtime_monitor.exe, and agent.exe have been added to the exception list. The executables reside in the following directories:
● Our executables and temp files reside in the following directories
○ C:\Program Files (x86)\POS Agent
○ C:\ProgramData\POS Agent
○ C:\Program Files (x86)\Omnivore
○ C:\ProgramData\Omnivore
Security Compliance
The Omnivore application has PCI-DSS 3.2 compliant encryption from the application to the Omnivore API and from the Omnivore API to the POS. Please contact Omnivore Support
<support@omnivore.io> if you need a copy of our compliance certificate.
Database Access
The Tableside Order & Pay integration requires read only access to your ODBC database. Please make sure we have a uniform database user and password across all locations following the below in database manager:
1. Run %Micros_Dir%\MICROS\Common\Bin\DM.exe (The Micros Directory is usually the D:\drive)
2. Select Users\Passwords in the right tab
3. Check the "Create New User" optionbit, choose a User Name and Password, and copy the password in the Confirm Password field
4. Save the User Name and Password on a sticky note or scratch paper and press the Create New User button
For READ ONLY installs (current day and historical):
The Omnivore agent needs to be online. No other configuration is required in Micros, with the exception of some partners that need adjustments made in the general.ini (i.e.7Shifts).
**Please see troubleshooting and special configuration section at the end of this document**
Verify System Requirements:
1) Click the Windows Start button or search for “Computer”, or My PC”, right click to open Properties.
Note the Windows Version, Service Pack, Processor and installed RAM
2) Check Available Memory: Open a cmd prompt and type taskmgr, right click on Taskbar or type task manager in the search bar to open the Task Manager.
3) Click on Performance tab to note available memory:
Minimum requirement 700 MB available. If the minimum is not available, there will be performance issues with the server. Please advise merchant to upgrade.
4) Verify if C++ is installed by checking programs;
Windows 7: Start, Control Panel, Programs and Features, check in list
Windows 8 and above: In the search bar, type in Programs, select Add or Remove Programs to check the list.
Transaction Services: (Mandatory for Read/Write)
In the Windows search bar, start to type License Manager and click to open.
Alternate path: Go to Windows Start> All Programs> Micros Applications> Utilities> License Manager.
When utility opens, click on the POS 3700 tab**.**.
Verify a green checkmark next to Transaction Services on the lower left.
**If there is a red X next to Transaction Services, newer versions of Micros will allow you to enable TS by clicking on the checkbox on the right, green checkmark at the Activation area, then “reload”.
**If Transaction Services is not present and unable to activate, please advise the Merchant to contact their Micros reseller for licensing. **Read only does not need TS
Micros System State:
Open Micros Control Panel (via Icon on desktop or in DOS type cpanel) If needed, highlight Restaurant, click ‘**Front of House**’ and click ‘OK’.**
If the system is not set to FOH, you will receive a CLSID response similar to :
"Server raised fault: 'System.Web.Services.Protocols.SoapException: [-955908046] Creating an instance of the COM component with CLSID {98D00E40-A787-4B18-B3AC-507DDD1E6966} from the IClassFactory failed due to the following error: c7060032.
The following needs to be configured via POS Configurator:
**If you do not have access to the following fields, request for higher privilege Micros user login
-User Workstations
-Employee Class
-Service Total
-3rd Party Tender **(Optional)
Web Service Device:
In POS Configurator click the Devices tab at the top. Click the Devices button.
In the new window check each device to ensure none have the Device Type “PosAPI Web Service”
If one does exist, note the name and number and move to next step (User Workstations) to verify config.
To Create Web Service Device:
1) Click the blue + button at the top to insert a new device.
2) Enter number 975 and enter name “POS API” on the left. 1. Choose “PosAPI Web Service” as the Device Type 1. Choose the back of house computer as the Network Node 1. Click the green ✓ at the top
Verify User Workstation:
If a Web Services Device already exists, there will be a workstation already created, just need to verify configuration..
Click the User Workstations button
Create User Workstation:
1) Click the blue + button at the top to insert a new workstation
2) Click the Device Name on the left
3) From the dropdown choose the Web Service Device Name from the previous step
4) Select a default revenue center and default order type** in the General Tab;
5) Select the Order Devices Tab and check all Order Devices that are listed.
6) Select Printers tab. Ask the merchant which printers they would like their guest check receipts to print (only for Ordering and Payment App partners) and assign them to the top two printer boxes, and select a journal printer at the bottom for internal audits if possible.
7) Click the green ✓** at the top
Employee Class:
Before creating one, check each employee class to make sure none have POS API Employee set. **If one exists, notate the name and skip to the next step.
Create POS API Employee Class:
1. In POS Configurator click the Employees tab at the top
2.Click the Employee Classes button
3. Click the blue + button at the top to insert a new employee class
4. Enter 975 for the number and name, “POS API” on the left
5. In the new window click the Transactions tab on the right
6. Click the Transaction Control tab below it
1) Set POS API Employee on the right, and click Yes in the confirmation window 1) Click the green ✓** at the top
**Optional: Partner Employee Class (based on Customer Requirements)
1) In the POS Configurator click the Employees tab at the top
2) Click the Employees button
3) Click the blue + button at the top to insert a new employee and name it “**API EMP**” on the left
4) Click the Security tab on the right and choose a server/cashier class
a. The Ordering employee must be able to begin and add to checks (refer to your employee class configuration)
5) Under the “**POS”** tab make sure to select a Revenue Center.
Create Employee(s):
1) In POS Configurator click the Employees tab at the top
2) Click the Employees button
3) Click the blue + button at the top to insert a new employee
4) Enter 975 for the number and name, “POS API” on the left.
In the General tab, fill out First and Last name fields.
In the Security tab, assign the employee to the POS API Employee Class using the dropdown..
Under the POS tab select a Revenue Center.
Click the green ✓** at the top
**You may be required to fill in other fields like hire date, date of birth, etc. It doesn’t matter what you supply for these values.
Optional: Partner Employees (Based on Customer Requirements) Repeat the above steps to create a customer employee. Check with the partner if they have any Employee Class requirements, otherwise generally assign this employee to Cashier, or Server Employee Class.
Service Total:
1) Click on Sales tab in the top left of POS Configurator window
2) Click the Tender / Media button.
Only need to access the General and Service TTL tabs for this step..
Click the blue + button at the top to insert a new record..
Enter 975 for the number and name, “API SVC” on the left.
In General tab, set the “Type” to Service Total, and Menu Level Class to “**All**”
Click on the Service TTL tab, and check the boxes for “Send Order” and “Fire Order”.
Click the green ✓** at the top.
Create a 3rd Party Tender: (OPTIONAL)
- Click the Sales tab at the top
- Click Tender / Media
- Click the blue plus sign to insert a new tender record
- Enter a short name beside the number on the left
On the General tab:
-Choose “Payment” from the Type dropdown
-Choose “All Levels” from the Menu Level Class dropdown
-Choose “Guest Check/Receipts” from the Print Class dropdown
Click on the Tender tab:
Click on the boxes for:
-Use with currency conversion
-Item is shareable
-Post to gross receipts
-Post to charge receipts
Assign Charged Tip to the Charge Tip dropdown as directed by the operator.
Click on the Printing Tab:
Check the boxes for:
-Print Summary Total Print on
-Receipt Printer
-Print Check
Click the green ✓** at the top.
OPTIONAL: Create a Menu Item Class:
**Some Partners (such as Chowly) require the creation of their own Menu Item Class. Depending on the partner there will be a request for a $0.00 item, and/or a Open Item.
Go to the Sales tab and click Menu Item Classes.
Click the blue plus sign to insert a new menu item class record. Enter a short name beside the number on the left.
In the Description tab, select Food as Sales Itemizer.
For $0.0 items, go to the Price/Totals tab and select “**Preset**”.
If a partner needs to have an item to free type information, go to General Options tab and select “**Reference Required”**.
Click the green ✓** at the top.
OPTIONAL: Create a Menu Item
Go to the Sales tab and click on Menu Items.
- Click the blue plus sign to insert a new menu item record
- on the Definition > General tab
- enter a short name for the item in Name1
- choose the new menu item class from the Menu Item Class dropdown
- choose “All Levels” from the Menu level Class dropdown
- Choose a print class for the new menu item (All new menu items must have a print class associated for the item to show on the terminal and/or print to receipt/kitchen printers)
On the Reporting tab
- choose a Major Group from the dropdown (Misc or Food)
- choose a Family Group from the dropdown (Misc, Sides or Food)
Click the green ✓** at the top.
Agent Configuration and Testing:
1) Go to Notepad, (right click to Run as Administrator), or use cmd to open.
2) Navigate to directory where the agent was installed:
C:\Program Files\POS Agent or C:\Program Files(x86)\POS Agent
3) In the [Agent] section set ReadOnly = False and DisableProcessCheck = False
4) Scroll down to the [Micros] section
5) Set TenderTypeOverride to the object number of your API SVC Service Total
**Replace this line with SvcTotTender for Omnivore Agent versions 20.5.7 and higher
6) Set the PriceCheckEmployee to the object number of your POS API Employee
Save changes and run Cache from the OV Dash:
Using your preferred REST client:
- create a ticket
- order an item
- Make a payment(s)
- ask a manager to void the ticket.
Micros Journals:
To access Micros Journals (to display test ticket information on screen)
Navigate to Micros>Res>POS>Journals.
Select the journal name that matches what was selected in the User Workstation.
Log Errors:
Large block of text appear in logs and you are unable to get tickets. Add config directive to the Micros section of the general.ini: SupportsPutAwayChecks = False
*Must restart agent after setting directive to take effect*.
DBA error - User name/Password
DBAPIError: (Error) ('28000', '[28000] [SAP][ODBC Driver][SQL Anywhere]Invalid user ID or password (-103) (SQLDriverConnect); [28000] [SAP][ODBC Driver][SQL Anywhere]Invalid user ID or password (-103)') None None
Please refer to picture for example:
This error means the current user/password in the Connection String does not allow access to the database and no information will come through. Ask the merchant best user name and password to use and update locally in the general.ini, or push through the dash with this format:
Several defaults include:
sybase+pyodbc://custom:custom@Micros sybase+pyodbc://custom:custom37@Micros
Special Configurations:
Create a [Features] section in the general.ini (anywhere but not in the middle of an existing section), with the following directives:
EnableShiftManagement = True
EnableEmployeeManagement = True
In the **Agent** section, set:
ReadOnly = False
DisableProcessCheck = False
**Upgrade the agent version to 20.12.4, per latest regression update concerning Micros and webhooks.
KDS users on Micros v5.7 need adjustments for printing:
In the API Workstation in the General Tab activate these options:
-Disable error beer
-Suppress Print Error
-Order device printing at POS only
-Guest Check printing at POS only
If app partner needs an ordering employee they must be set to POS API employee class.
Complete the following steps after the Omnivore agent is online and configuration is complete:
**Do these steps in order**:
In the OV dashboard, 'Change Tenancy' to Multitenant using the ‘Change Standard Details’ option
In Agent section in general.ini add Multitenant = True
Run Refresh Stores in the OV dashboard
After it finishes, run ‘Location Info’ from the OV dashboard and it will list all of the revenue centers. You’ll need this for the next step.
In the Micros3700 section in general.ini add the Stores directive. Set the values from the ‘Location Info’ results according to this:
Run ‘Sync Stores’ from OV dashboard. This will take a few minutes.
Log into the internal Omnivore panel, and using the merchant account ID, impersonate the account. Find the location and click on it. Scroll down and there will be a section for Sublocations. Once everything has been synced, the revenue centers will populate to choose from in the drop down menu. Choose 1 or all that need to become sublocations.
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