Door Dash Drive Best Practices for In-Store Operations:
- Designate & clearly mark the pickup location
- Clear in-store signage directing Dashers to the pickup location
- Ensure orders are ready by the quoted pickup time
- Ensure staff are knowledgeable about delivery products & procedures
- Support Guidelines posted in a highly visible area in BOH & FOH
- Dasher Instructions: provide special instructions to Dashers on a live delivery
- Label orders with the customer's name
Delivery FAQ's
How large is my store’s delivery radius?
The delivery radius is typically 3-5 miles. This is determined by DoorDash's technology and based on geographical location (city vs. suburbs), with cities generally having smaller radii -- their algorithm determines delivery zones on a per-location basis (this algorithm is not shared). Via their API, all Tableside Order & Pay can do is ask the question "Can you deliver from A to B?" and they respond with either "yes" or "no."
How long should I wait before contacting DoorDash if a driver is late?
If the Dasher is more than 15 minutes late, contact DoorDash Drive support at (855) 973-1040.
I remade an order because a Dasher was late. How can I seek reimbursement?
You can email DoorDash Drive support at
This Dasher did not meet my restaurant’s expectations. What should I do?
Email and the DoorDash Drive support team will block that driver from coming back to your store in the future.
Who receives the tips that my customers leave when they order through Tableside Order & Pay?
For all DoorDash Drive orders, 100% of the tip goes to the DoorDash driver. The tip and delivery fee are automatically withheld from your Tableside Order & Pay payout via Stripe.
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