After you have successfully connected your
Revel integration, you can sync Revel menus to Tableside Order & Pay to allow guests to place orders.
If Revel Online Ordering is currently activated, you will not be able to designate menus to only show on Tableside Order & Pay and not on Revel Online Ordering.
After logging into the Owner Panel, navigate to the 'Menus' settings under the 'Menu Management' heading.
After clicking on the 'Menus' tab, click the blue ' +' icon to create a menu and then enter a name for the menu.
After entering the name of the menu, click the 'Add Menu' button.
After you've added the menu, click the chain link icon for the menu you've created. This will open a window showing all of the Revel menus and the number of menu items and modifiers for the menu.
Select which menu or menus you would like to import into your Tableside Order & Pay menu and click submit.
Once you've added the menu items, you can perform a manual sync with Revel by clicking the 'Check Revel Menu Sync Status' button.
When the pop-up window opens, click the 'Sync Now' button to perform the manual sync. The menu does sync automatically with Revel every 5 minutes however you should perform a manual sync whenever you update a menu item in Revel.
*Note* Buy One/Get One Combo Meals are not currently supported in Tableside Order & Pay.
For any questions or assistance with your Revel integration with Tableside Order & Pay, please contact our Support Team at
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